Wednesday 9 September 2015

I am currently busy preparing for a presentation I need to do at an educational summit in October. The presentation will look at the issue of ICT Integration and the benefits our school will get out of it in terms of learner performance and learner achievement, especially in the fields of literacy and numeracy. The main goal is to enable our learners to eventually become competitive in the global village.

The idea is to turn our school, which is situated in an impoverished area, into a "smart school" by equipping each classroom with the basic ICT technology to give all teachers and learners access to as much resources as can be found on the internet and on e-portals such as the WCED e-portal.

This would mean having access to equipment such as laptops, data projectors, interactive whiteboards and software. Funding is obviously a major challenge.

If anyone would like to comment or contribute advice on the above topic or even consider collaborating with our school in this venture, please feel free to do so.