Monday 9 December 2013

Daar word deesdae ondervind dat leerders kan lees, maar dat leesbegrip baie keer 'n uitdaging is. Dit veroorsaak baie keer dat leerders sukkel om gedurende die doen van take of die skryf van eksamens sukkel om vrae te beantwoord.
Daar word ook ondervind dat leerders die opmerking maak dat leesstukke te lank is en wanneer hulle "moeg" raak van lees, skryf hulle net enige antwoord. Dit veroorsaak dat leerders baie swak vaar in die Formele Assesseringstake.

Ek verneem graag van ander opvoeders of enigiemand anders wat hulle sou aanbeveel rakende diƩ kommerwekkende tendens.

Sunday 8 December 2013

This is really my first attempt at blogging. I've seen my eldest son's blog about healthy living and I've just scanned my daughter's blog which she says will be about everything.

I will most probably focus on the things that I encounter everyday of my life, which is education. As I go along I will most probably get more experience in how to make this blog as user-friendly as possible.

The current topic of interest to the world is the passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. I would like to share my condolences with the family of this great man and leader. He has done an amazing job of his life after Robben Island.

What impressed me most about the man is his total commitment to forgiveness and reconciliation and building a South Africa free from racism and prejudice, free from domination of one group over another.

I salute you and celebrate your life, Tata Madiba.
Hamba Kahle, Nelson Mandela!